The Beginning of the Blog

The Beginning of the Blog


Hi, thanks for taking the time to pass by. This is the first blog of a series of blogs I will begin to start posting this JUNE! I have been preparing college-level courses to share with you guys ripped straight out of my college’s catalog ahahaha (For legal reasons that was a joke). Starting June 3rd I will begin the teachings!

Order of Upcoming Courses:

  • Introduction to Programming
  • Beginning Java
  • Java Swing
  • Advanced Java
  • Beginning Python
  • Advanced Python Programming
  • PYQT6 Python Library


  • Expense Tracker with SQL -Python
  • Tab Notepad -Java

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The Beginning of the Blog

Summary Hi, thanks for taking the time to pass by. This is the first blog of a series of blogs I wil…

LeeMonkeyMan Avatar

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